Awards Categories

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Awards Categories

Awards Categories

Whilst some cohorts of the Life Sciences sector receive more publicity and applause than others, it is the interactions and dynamics of the entire ecosystem that leads successful value and impact creation. To this end, the One Nucleus Award categories are structured to reflect that breadth of R&D, investment, service provision and enabling support across the stakeholders. “Performance of the Year” being recognised in each category.  The awards criteria recognise success between 1 December 2022 – 30 November 2023.

See the criteria and enter the relevant Awards Category below

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Primary R&D Company

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Those companies investing their own capital in R&D to develop proprietary new products and technologies to improve patient outcomes.


  • Level of innovation
  • Investment raised and impact
  • R&D deals signed – collaborations with other companies or academic institutes
  • Patient Engagement
  • Growth – Talent development and company culture
  • Effective ESG (environment, social and governance) strategy
  • Media recognition

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Those individuals or organisations that provide equity finance to life science companies to fund R&D.


  • Investments made and exits achieved
  • Progress of investee portfolio
  • Engagement in promoting entrepreneurship in life sciences and thought leadership
  • Investing in diversity and how this has and will impact the success of the sector
  • Promotion of ESG (environment, social and governance) within the invested portfolio
R&D Services Provider

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Those organisations operating on a fee-for-service basis to provide one or more of research, development, manufacturing or clinical research services to life science companies.


  • Business performance
  • Customer service performance
  • Adoption of innovation into the services provided
  • Flexible support of start-up companies
  • Collaboration with academia to enable translational research
  • Effective ESG (environment, social and governance) strategy
Technology Transfer Office

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Organisations leading the commercialisation and translation of the intellectual property generated by non-profit research organisations to improve patient outcomes via licensing, start-up company formation or philanthropic dissemination of that intellectual property.


  • Spin-out company formation relative to research funding
  • Performance of life sciences portfolio overall
  • Engagement of academic researchers in learning and development activities to promote and drive commercialisation
  • Promotion of entrepreneurship
  • Encouraging diversity and sustainability among life science founders
Professional Services Company

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Any business or individual whose core output is provision of advisory services or expertise to others on a fee-for-service basis.


  • Growth during the year in areas such as % revenue, physical expansion or expansion of client base
  • Customer service performance
  • Advising on transactions transformative for the client and or the Life Sciences industry
  • Support of entrepreneurship in the Life Sciences industry
  • Effective ESG (environment, social and governance) strategy
  • Flexibility of engagement to support start-up and early-stage companies
Facilities Provider

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Those providing laboratory and office space to life science companies undertaking R&D activities whether new build, retrofitted or existing facilities.


  • Innovative design to enable modern life science R&D
  • Leasing terms flexibility to accommodate occupiers’ needs when plans change
  • Reducing the environmental impact of the facility during the creation
  • Creating an innovation supporting environment
  • Promoting ED&I (equality, diversity and inclusion)
Non-Profit Research Organisation

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Those institutions, funded by one or more of government funding, donations, industry collaborations, grants or other that undertake directly or fund via grants laboratory research in biomedicine to further knowledge.


  • Significant scientific breakthrough
  • High impact publications
  • Promotion and education programmes in entrepreneurship and industrial collaboration among scientists
  • Addressing ED&I (equality, diversity and inclusion) in scientific research
  • Collaboration with others to create impact
  • Patient engagement
  • Thought leadership
Non-Profit Life Science Innovation Enablers

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Organisations that do not directly fund research but are important enablers of life science innovation through their advocacy, building of innovation ecosystems, community engagement or trade support.


  • Promotion of the role of Life Sciences in society for economic development and improving patient outcomes
  • Patient engagement and advocacy
  • Creating an ecosystem across stakeholders to deliver an effective environment to stimulate innovation, start-up company formation, increased investment and growth of a cluster
  • Development of effective strategies to attract skilled and talented human capital into Life Sciences
  • Impacting education policy to promote careers in Life Sciences
  • Support of businesses seeking to grow through investment, deals, and international expansion
  • Supporting ED&I (equality, diversity and inclusion) in Life Sciences
  • Commitment to the sustainable growth agenda