Our key purpose, at One Nucleus, is to create opportunities and environments that enable our network to achieve their desired goals such as deal flow, finding new collaborations, learning & development and so on. With everything we do, we are driven by a collective goal of achieving better patient outcomes and the beauty and benefit of being a part of an ecosystem is that we must rely on and work together with our peers to accelerate success.

On 21 March 2024, One Nucleus will be hosting its first ever Awards Dinner. All those involved in our ecosystem can be recognised whether life science innovators, companies, investors, advisors or innovation champions enabling others. to celebrate yours and your peers’ success. The event will take place at No.11 Cavendish Sq., a beautiful venue in central London and the evening will be exclusive to 200 guests.

There are eight categories of awards that reflect the breadth of companies within the life sciences industry and they celebrate those who may not receive as much publicity or applause as others. Some themes that you will see appearing in the criteria measuring company performance include:

  • Innovation creators and enablers
  • Investment raised and made
  • Collaborations
  • Patient engagement
  • Talent
  • ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) and ED&I (Equity, Diversity and Inclusion)

See where your company fits and find the full list of categories and details on how to enter via the event website.

This is the perfect opportunity to nominate not just your own company, but also to encourage those that have helped and inspire you to enter in their won category. Entry is free and the deadline for entries is 7 February 2024.

In addition to entering the awards, there are other opportunities to be involved with or join us at the event:

Primary R&D Company Award Sponsor

Sponsor an Award

  • Sponsorship demonstrates your leadership and commitment to the Life Sciences sector
  • Sponsor and present the award category of your choice*
  • Participation on the awards judging panel
  • Host a table of your most valued contacts
  • Exclusive opportunity to meet face-to-face with key contacts

(*subject to availability)

Book Tickets, options include:

  • Individual tickets
  • Half table (5 places)
  • Full table (10 places)

The forthcoming awards dinner is more than just an event; it is an opportunity to celebrate success and share a memorable evening with old and new friends, colleagues and clients. We’d be delighted to have you involved.